How to create a meaningful place to work during extreme growth?

How to create a meaningful place to work during extreme growth?

Client Case

How to create a meaningful place to work during extreme growth?

Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies (FDB), a subsidiary of Fujifilm, and a global contract manufacturer in the life sciences sector, is undergoing a multifold transformation. Challenging the norms of the industry, FDB wants to demonstrate that the best way to control their rapid expansion is not by installing rigorous systems, it is by installing trust between humans.

Nicolai E. E. Iversen

Ebba Hansen

Carl Emil Zacho Böye


Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies (FDB), a global leader in contract manufacturing for the life sciences sector, is undergoing significant transformation. Led by CEO Lars Petersen, FDB aims to redefine industry standards by emphasizing human-centric culture and leadership rather than relying solely on traditional rigorous systems and processes.


FDB faces the complex challenge of scaling its operations and revenue significantly while maintaining a meaningful and empowering work culture. The company aims to quintuple its revenue from $1.3 billion to $5 billion by 2030, an ambitious goal that necessitates massive operational and cultural shifts. The primary challenge lies in balancing rapid growth with fostering a workplace environment that prioritizes trust, transparency, and psychological safety, moving away from traditional hierarchical and process-heavy management styles.


FDB has adopted a revolutionary approach by embedding trust and human sensibility at the core of its operations. The company has eliminated extensive systems and bureaucratic processes, instead promoting a culture where employees are empowered and trusted. This philosophy is encapsulated in their “People Fundamentals,” which guide behavior and interactions within the organization. Leadership development at FDB focuses on emotional intelligence, active listening, and fostering a strong sense of purpose and belonging among employees. This transformation is supported by substantial training programs and events dedicated to cultivating trust and open dialogue among leaders. This shift aims to create a sustainable balance between growth and maintaining a meaningful work environment, ultimately positioning FDB as a trusted partner in the life sciences industry.


Meaning in Madness?

Manufacturing with a Purpose

From DNA sequencing to the final medication product packaged and delivered into the hands of patients, FDB is an end-to-end contract drug manufacturer. From early stage to large-scale production, they support the full lifecycle of biologics development by scaling the manufacturing process. As this year’s Meaningfulness at Work study revealed, both manufacturing (72) and pharmaceuticals (71) are industries facing challenges in meaningfulness at work, scoring below the average (74).

With FDB being an end-to-end manufacturer of pharmaceuticals, they find themselves in a placewhere they need to make an extra effort to create meaningfulness at work among employees. According to President & CEO Lars Petersen, the purpose potential is clear:

“What especially gets me up in the morning is the transformation I believe is so fundamental. I actually do believe that we are a big part of transforming the entire industry where the cost of drugs needs to be lower and where the speed of getting drugs to patients needs to be faster. This requires that we move beyond a contractual, transactional model and instead prove ourselves as a trusted partner to our customers, becoming an integral part of the ecosystem. A partner for life with unprecedented delivery.”


Yearly Oxygen
USDb 1.3 (2023)

Human beings

To be the leading and most trusted global Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization in the biopharmaceutical industry.


Being A ‘People First’ Company

In the midst of an $8 billion investment plan, FDB is aiming to quadrupling their revenue by 2030 – from 6 large-scale bioreactors to 36. In a world that is renowned for process engineering, tight controlling, and clear chains of command, it would naturally also permeate the governance, organization, and culture of the company. Meticulously cascading targets. Calibrating bonuses with individual performance reviews. Documenting standard decision-making processes. Instead, FDB has made a conscious effort to get rid of all such measures to pave the way for limitless trust, empowerment, and ownership.

“We are trying to keep systems and processes to an efficient minimum to make sure people are the center in everything we do,” Lars Petersen explains.

“Some say that we are building a ‘hippie’ culture. But this is simply about creating a culture of trust, where transparency, being yourself and having psychological safety enables people to speak up at any given moment and be okay with making mistakes as long as we learn from them. Being in a way where people can take ownership, because you know you are trusted and empowered if you do so.”

While production processes and quality assurance as a drug manufacturer is naturally managed with extreme rigor, the underlying assumption is that the human potential of the organization – the people – is best realized by systematically minimizing processes, rules, and bureaucracy.

This philosophy is written into 9 People Fundamentals, which sets the tone and direction for how everyone is expected to show up, interact, and lead. “We lead people – and manage processes”, as one of them reads, continued by “We bring our full selves to work”. The People Fundamentals, however, are not implemented through an extensive roadmap or follow-up system. There are activities and tools, yes, but the primary objective is to create a continuous conversation and mindset around how the right growth can be balanced with the right culture.

Not as opposites, as either-or, but constantly weaving them together to never settle for the ordinary, allowing a touch of madness in pursuing something unprecedented, but without decaying into chaos or anarchy. Always balancing the meaningful and the meaningless.


Followership above Force

This balancing act requires training. Training in some of the muscles that are often overlooked or under-stimulated in the traditional leadership gym. When the philosophy is about trust, ownership, and empowerment, the mastery required rhymes more with active listening, human sensibility, and emotional intelligence than any other managerial disciplines. To create meaning for people in their work, leadership in itself is the least important driver. In other words, it is not how you as an individual leader perform that creates a meaningful working environment – it is how you as a leader can facilitate a strong sense of purpose, belonging, and personal growth. This, however, breaks with some of the truths many leaders who come to FDB are born and raised to believe in.

“Don’t come in here with the typical mindset of a leader saying, ‘I will deliver in 100 days.’ Forget about delivery. Try to relate to people, try to understand the culture before you even think about delivering anything. And to be honest, eight out of ten of our leaders are going through quite a journey to reconfigure. We even have leaders saying that they had to be broken down completely and rebuilt before they really understood what was going on. We invest that much in our journey, and we are fully aware that this might not be for everyone,” Lars Petersen says.

“We try to deconstruct some of these myths and false truths about leadership to champion a culture where leaders serve not just the business objectives but the human spirit in the organization. This sometimes also entails eradicating inflated egos to foster an environment of true team spirit as opposed to solo climbing the career ladder.”

To manifest this focus, FDB in February brought together more than 100 leaders from across the globe. The full event was dedicated to talking exclusively about strategy, leadership, and culture – not least which habits, norms, or systems the leadership community needs to say goodbye to in order to take the next quantum leap.

“We spent 75% of our time discussing our cultural DNA and how to cultivate trust among our leaders and teams. We asked our leaders upfront to submit all their hopes and concerns to facilitate an open dialogue about what excites us about our growth journey, but also what makes us worried. This is fundamental to build trust,” Petersen shares.

Did the leaders then embrace this focus? Or did they leave thinking it was a complete waste of time? Looking at the impact, the numbers tell a quite convincing story. After the event, FDB were able to track an improvement of 9% in how much the leaders believe in the strategic direction with both their hearts and minds, while improving the level of optimism around FDB’s future by 10% – shortterm as well as long-term. Further, the level of trust in the organization at large increased by 8%. The event itself was rated 9.17 on a 10-point scale – a testament to the appreciation of having time to reflect and connect on how to humanize the culture and leadership.

Nine People Fundamentals at Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies

We foster psychological safety

We bring our full selves to work

We seek attitude when we hire & promote

We assume trust & expect ownership

We value teams over hierarchy

We support individual growth through empowerment

We lead people & manage processes

We lead through purpose & meaning

We lead for the future

Meaningfulness at Work 2024

Meaningfulness at Work 2024

Meaningful organizations

Meaningfulness at Work 2024

Nicolai E. E. Iversen

Voluntās was created from the fundamental belief that all human beings have the inherent right to live a meaningful life. That is why we exist: To realize human potential in all corridors of life – making every workplace, community, and country on the planet full of hope and dignity.

Every year, we study how employees feel organizations perform when it comes to fostering a meaningful workplace – a place where there is a strong sense of purpose, leadership, belonging, and personal growth. Meaningful workplaces ensure the best possible conditions for realizing human potential.

To have like-minded partners join in pursuing our impact of making more lives more meaningful, we are honored to this year have partnered with the DI Federation of Danish Professional Service Firms.


The four primary insights

1. Globally, meaningfulness at work determines 49% of meaning in life.

Meaningfulness at work accounts for 49% of the overall sense of meaning in life globally. However, this varies by country; in India, work is a strong predictor of meaning in life (76%), whereas in Ukraine, work contributes less (18%) to overall meaning in life.

2. Leadership is the least important driver and also the lowest-performing driver.

Leadership is the least important driver of meaningfulness at work, with only 7% of respondents worldwide considering it the most important. It is also the lowest-performing driver, primarily due to leaders’ inability to inspire employees to reflect on the organization’s purpose.

3. Youngest generations experience the lowest sense of meaning.

Young professionals under 25 experience the least meaning at work, continuing a trend from 2023. They feel significantly less safe to speak their minds, feel less challenged in their jobs, and struggle to understand the importance of their role within their organizations.

4. The employee who experiences the most meaning is more than 65 years old and works in Mexico or India as a full-time HR professional within financial services.

The employee who experiences the least meaning is 24 years old and works in Australia or UK as a part-time supply chain worker within chemicals.


Measuring meaningfulness

– a never-ending quest

I founded Voluntās nine years ago, and this is the fifth edition of the Meaningfulness at Work Report. A Report that represents my own and Voluntās’ never-ending quest to explore what constitutes meaningfulness in our lives in general and at work in particular. For this reason, it’s also only natural that we want, in the years to come, to increase the number of respondents and countries and that we want to constantly challenge, improve, and sophisticate our methodology to fulfill our aim of creating a genuinely global report that yields unique insights on how the sense of meaning is evolving on the international labor market. While we are humble enough to acknowledge that our Meaningfulness at Work Report 2024 isn’t completely global yet and that our method, of course, will be strengthened for each report we publish, then we are equally proud that we, with this report, publish what is unquestionably one of the most extensive studies ever done on the anatomy of meaning at work. We invite even more academic research partners, as well as privatepublic collaborations, foundations, think tanks, etc., to join in on our pursuit of understanding, measuring, and increasing meaningfulness at work – because feeling meaning in the work you do is a vital part of living a meaningful life.


Meaningfulness at Work Report #24

This years report is now available for download.