Brand & Communication

Making more brands more meaningful

At Voluntas, we specialize in building meaningful brands that resonate deeply with human beings. Through our expertise in brand positioning, employer branding, and communication strategies, we help organisations create authentic connections that resonate with employees, customers, and communities alike.

Practice Areas in

Brand &


We take your unique story and transform it into something people feel. We help your brand become a force that sparks trust, creates lasting relationships, and drives real change. Let us help you turn your brand into something people can believe in and be inspired by.

Jacob Mittun

Featured Client Case

Abacus Medicine Group’s

journey to a strong Employer Brand

Practice Area



We don’t just position brands – we give them a purpose that people can rally behind. Brand positioning at Voluntas is about more than finding a spot in the market; it’s about carving out a space in people’s hearts based on the unique story you have been through. We take what makes your brand unique and ensure it stands for something that truly resonates with your audience, creating a magnetic pull that draws people in.

With our strategic expertise, we help your brand claim its rightful place – not just in your industry but in the lives of those you aim to inspire. 

Products & Services

1.1 Strategic Narrative

Development of cohesive and impactful narrative that aligns your brand story with organizational goals, creating a strategic framework for consistent and engaging communication.

1.2 Brand Strategy
Crafting a distinct market position for your brand, defining its unique value and differentiation, ensuring a memorable and compelling identity that resonates with your target audience.
1.3 Value Propositions & Messaging
Refine your brand’s value propositions and messaging to articulate clear and persuasive statements that communicate the benefits and distinctiveness of your products or services.
1.4 Concept & Creative Development
Bring ideas to life with creative development, translating strategic concepts into compelling visuals and content that captivate your audience and reinforce your brand narrative.
1.5 Visual Identity
Shape a distinctive visual identity with cohesive design elements, including logos, colors, and typography, fostering brand recognition and a consistent visual representation across all touchpoints.

Practice Area



At Voluntas, we believe employer branding is about more than just looking good on paper – it’s about being a place where people want to belong, grow and feel a high sense of purpose. We help you align your internal virtues with how the world sees you, creating a genuine connection that attracts top talent and makes existing employees proud.

Products & Services

2.1 Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

Define and communicate a compelling EVP that showcases the unique benefits and workplace culture your organization offers, attracting and retaining top talent aligned with your values.

2.2 Employer Brand Audit
Conduct a thorough assessment of your employer brand, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and improvement opportunities to enhance your reputation and appeal to prospective employees.
2.3 Thought Leadership Strategy
Develop a strategic plan to position your organization as an industry thought leader, creating and disseminating insightful content that establishes expertise and builds credibility.
2.4 Employer Branding Campaigns
Launch targeted campaigns to elevate your employer brand, using creative and impactful messaging across various channels to engage talent, strengthen brand perception, and drive recruitment success.

Want to know more?

Get in touch with our brand & communication experts

Jacob Mittun

Carl Emil Zacho Böye

Jonathan Hadberg Stephansen

Practice Area

PR &

Our PR and Communication services at Voluntās focus on creating powerful narratives that resonate with key stakeholders and the wider public. We tailor communication strategies to elevate your brand’s presence and reputation, ensuring that your messaging aligns with your values and business goals. Through a mix of media strategy, training and outreach we help you build strong relationships with your audience, fostering trust and enhancing visibility in a meaningful way.

Products & Services

3.1 Communication Strategy
Develop a comprehensive communication strategy that aligns with organizational goals, ensuring clear, consistent, and effective messaging across various channels for maximum impact and audience engagement.
3.2 PR & Agenda-setting
Craft and implement strategic PR initiatives to shape public perception, influence agendas, and maintain a positive organizational image through effective media relations and stakeholder engagement.
3.3 Corporate Communication
Manage and streamline corporate communication efforts, fostering transparency, credibility, and positive relationships with stakeholders, both internal and external.
3.4 Crisis Communication
Establish protocols and strategies for effective crisis communication, ensuring a timely and coordinated response to mitigate reputational damage and maintain public trust during challenging situations.
3.5 Media Training
Equip key spokespersons with the skills and confidence needed to navigate media interactions effectively, delivering clear and impactful messages that align with organizational objectives and values.

Practice Area


Market &
Customer Insight

At Voluntās, our Market and Customer Insight services are essential for understanding the dynamics of your target market and the behaviors of your customers. We leverage advanced analytics and market research techniques to provide deep insights that inform your strategic decisions. This includes customer segmentation, trend analysis, and competitive intelligence. By deeply understanding market drivers and customer preferences, we help you craft strategies that are not only relevant but also profoundly impactful, ensuring that your offerings meet the evolving needs of your market.

Products & Services

4.1 Reputation Analysis
Conduct in-depth analysis and assessment of your organization’s reputation, identifying strengths and vulnerabilities to inform strategic reputation management and enhancement efforts.
4.2 Brand Audit
Evaluate and analyze the overall health and effectiveness of your brand, identifying areas for improvement and ensuring consistency in brand representation across various touchpoints.
4.3 Customer MQ
Assess customer satisfaction and market perception with a Customer MQ analysis, gathering insights to enhance product or service quality and refine market positioning.
4.4 Customer Journey Mapping
Visualize and analyze the entire customer journey, identifying touchpoints and optimizing interactions to enhance customer experience, loyalty, and overall satisfaction.
4.5 Competitor Analysis
Conduct a thorough analysis of competitors, evaluating their strategies, strengths, and weaknesses to inform your own strategic decision-making and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

Practice Area




At Voluntās, our Public Affairs services help organizations navigate the complex intersections of business, government, and society. We focus on building strong relationships with policymakers, influencers, and civic leaders to advocate for favorable outcomes and support our clients’ strategic interests. Our team crafts tailored advocacy strategies, manages stakeholder relations, and ensures that your voice is heard in critical discussions, positioning your organization as a leader in shaping industry standards and public policy.

Products & Services

5.1 Government Relations
Cultivate effective relationships with governmental bodies, influencing policies, and navigating regulatory landscapes to align organizational goals with governmental agendas.
5.2 Agenda Setting
Strategically shape agendas and influence decision-making processes within political landscapes, ensuring alignment with organizational objectives and interests.
5.3 Network Strategy
Develop a comprehensive network strategy, identifying key stakeholders, allies, and influencers to enhance advocacy efforts and strengthen organizational influence.
5.4 Actor Analysis
Analyze key actors and stakeholders within the political and regulatory spheres, understanding their motivations and influence to inform strategic engagement approaches.
5.5 Media Training
Equip key representatives with media training, ensuring effective communication and representation in the public sphere to support government relations and advocacy goals.

Practice Area

Campaigns &

Content Production

At Voluntās, our Campaigns and Content Production services are designed to create impactful and engaging campaigns that resonate with your audience. We focus on developing compelling content across various media formats to tell your brand’s story effectively and persuasively. Our strategic approach ensures that each campaign is tailored to meet specific objectives, from raising awareness to driving action, using data-driven insights to maximize reach and impact. Let us help you craft narratives that not only inform but also inspire and drive change.

Products & Services

6.1 Concepts & Creative Development
Innovate and conceptualize creative ideas, translating them into strategic concepts that resonate with your audience and align with your organizational objectives.
6.2 Social Media Content
Craft engaging and shareable content tailored for social media platforms, fostering brand visibility, audience engagement, and community building.
6.3 Video / Website Production
Produce compelling and professional videos, utilizing storytelling and visuals to convey messages that resonate with your target audience and enhance brand perception.
6.4 Copywriting
Develop impactful and persuasive written content, including website copy, marketing materials, and campaigns, to effectively communicate your brand’s message. (screenplay, strategic narrative, speachwriting, tagline, campaign messaging)
6.5 Graphical Execution
Execute visually appealing and cohesive graphic designs, ensuring that branding elements, such as logos and visuals, are consistently represented across all communication channels.