People & Culture

Why should anyone be led by you?

Our People and Culture services focus on nurturing a vibrant and productive workplace by aligning your organization’s values with the daily experiences of your team. 

Practice Areas in

People &


We help create environments where creativity thrives, diversity is celebrated, and continuous learning is embedded into the fabric of your company, ensuring that your workforce remains engaged and motivated to achieve their best.

Nicolai E. E. Iversen

Featured Client Case

Forwarding Organizational DNA:

Sustaining Culture Amidst Rapid Growth

Practice Area


Purpose &

At Voluntās, our services in purpose and strategy help organizations align their core values with their long-term goals. We guide businesses in defining their purpose, crafting impactful strategies, and implementing them to achieve sustainable growth and meaningful societal contributions.

Products & Services

1.1 Purpose & Narrative

Define a clear, written narrative articulating the core DNA / mission.

1.2 Behavior & Virtues

Describe the good mindset & attitude for meaningful collaboration.

1.3 Vision & Focus Areas

Operationalize strategy, ambition, objectives – tied to people & purpose.

1.4 Key Purpose Indicators

Make the desired impact & key results tangible & measurable.

1.5 Value Proposition

Derive USP’s and customer value, substantiated by fact bank & proof points.

1.6 Brand & Positioning

Monitor reputation and image among key stakeholder groups.

Practice Area



Our People Processes services at Voluntās focus on optimizing organizational structures to enhance employee engagement and productivity. We help companies refine their HR practices, from recruitment to retention strategies, ensuring alignment with their core values and goals.

Products & Services

2.1 Attraction & Employer Brand

Attract the right people – and repel the wrong – based on drivers of meaningfulness.

2.2 Recruitment & Onboarding

Assess candidates based on cultural preferences – and anchor from day 1.

2.3 Learning & Development

Optimize learning journey based on core skill & behavior needs.

2.4 Belonging & Team Spirit

Nurture trust & intimacy via events and purposeful team experiences.

2.5 M&A PMI

Conduct cultural due diligence on tar-gets to inform decision & integration.

2.6 Succession Planning

Develop, promote & acquire people to ensure constant pipeline of talent.

Want to know more?

Get in touch with our people & culture experts

Nicolai E. E. Iversen

Ebba Hansen

Asbjørn Berg

Practice Area

Organization &


Voluntās specializes in enhancing organization and operations to streamline efficiency and effectiveness. Our services are designed to optimize operational frameworks and management structures, ensuring that organizations can achieve their strategic objectives while maintaining agility.

Products & Services

3.1 Organizational Design

Align org. design and structure to where culture & value is created.

3.2 Incentives & Performance

Review principles for remuneration, reward & recognition.

3.3 Customer Experience

Manifest culture in every touch point with external stakeholders.

3.4 Meaningful Work Survey

Measure progress via meaningful work survey.


3.5 Cultural Leadership Assessment

This service evaluates and enhances leadership effectiveness within diverse environments, ensuring that leaders can navigate and harmonize the interplay between corporate strategies and cultural dynamics.

3.6 Governance & Policies

Review procedures and guidelines for cultural fit and effectiveness.

3.7 False Truths, Hopes & Concerns

Discover underlying assumptions and tackle competing truths & priorities.

Practice Area


Our Anchoring services at Voluntās ensure that your organization’s core values are deeply integrated into every aspect of your business operations. We help you embed these principles into the operational DNA of your company, fostering a strong, value-driven culture that enhances decision-making and improves stakeholder engagement.

Products & Services

4.1 Leadership Buy-in

Train leaders in behavior & create accountability.

4.2 Storytelling & Communication

Communicate success stories & best-practice to make culture tangible.

4.3 Change Management

Setup roadmap & PMO to govern progress and make decisions.